◊ ◊ Claris HomePage 3.0 Trial Krack Welcome to the krack shack. We sent out our best set of hackers to crack the best program on the MacAddict CD, and they decided that it was Claris HomePage 3.0 Trial. Its a great html program to make WYSIWYG web pages, only the people at Claris only wanted you to try it out, they didnt want you to keep it, so they added a lame 30 demo period that you could use the program for 30 days. After the 30 days you cannot use the application at all, it will just not work. Looks like a bug eh? Ok, lets fix it. With a simple copy of UpdaterVISE we compared the real full version of HomePage to the trial version of Homepage and after adding a splash screen and a couple of notes, we made the krack. It was very easy and only took about 5 minutes. Anybody can do this and become a kracker, try it sometime. • Install Claris HomePage 3.0 Trial from the MacAddict Disc #21. • Run the Krack. • It will find the program and then click update to krack it. • May take a while to krack, depending on the speed of your computer. • Done Now you got a full version of Claris HomePage 3.0. And you didnt even have to download the huge program from some warez site. The update is kinda big, about 1MB. Now you say "Claris is cool, dont be hacking their programs!" Well let me tell you a little secret. WE ARE HACKERS! Although we love Claris we do love them hacks. So heres a deal, if you ever make any money from web page development from designing pages in this program, goto the store and buy a real copy, just to give them the money. Thats not such a bad deal. You make money, they make money, everyone is happy. (If you didnt get the updater in your copy of MacAddictHacker that is proubly because some lamer deleted it to make the ezine smaller, so if you dont have it and need it, go to our web site and download a fresh copy, well as soon as we get a web site anyway.) ©1998 MacAddict Hacker